Thursday, 7 November 2013

Cunninghame ramblers. Mid week walk at Dalmellington /Craigengillan estates. November 2013

Leaders briefing as the rain came on

Local boy scouts garden.

A dipper was spotted on the river.

A small garden of remembrance.

Striding it out on the estate road.

Dalcairnie Falls were in full spate.

Lovely autumn view towards Bogton Loch

Observatory complete with domed telescope.

We called this the senior management table.

Looking back towards Dalmellington.

Today's group

With Mr. and Mrs. Walk leader. (complete with sweeties)
Yesterday Wednesday November 6th Cunninghame Ramblers met at Dalmelington Community Centre car park for a 7 mie circular walk round Craigengillan Estate. Just as we prepared to start our walk the rain poured down but fortunately it did not last and the rest of the day remained dry. 16 of us ventured out to be welcomed almost immediately with an excellent sighting of a dipper perched on a rock in the middle of a small stream one of the best views I have ever had of this small elusive bird. Once in the estate we stopped at Dalcairnie Falls for a coffee break and to enjoy the roar of the water as it cascaded over the rocks and into the pools below. As the conditions underfoot  were extremely slippy the leader decided to alter the route slightly to try and avoid some of the worst muddy ground. I could not help myself recalling my wee accident of last year as we passed that dreaded spot where I fell and broke my leg. A group member suggested perhaps we could erect a memorial stone on the actual spot of the accident, when I objected that I was very much alive and kicking thank you very much!! Arriving at the dark sky observatory our leader had arranged for a visit inside to see the the telescope which is the centre piece of this visitor attraction. Lunch was taken here with it's fine views over towards Bogton Loch with Dalmellington in the background.At this point the group split into two groups one to walk through Ness Glen and the other to go through the estate grounds back to the start. I opted for the latter as I am going on a wee holiday next week and have no intentions of having another accident, so slippy glens are out for me. Thanks again to all involved and hope to see you all again in a couple of weeks time.

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