Sunday, 9 June 2013

Wigtownshire ramblers. The Lochans to Portpatrick. June 2013

Meeting at Lochans school.

Have no idea what type of vehicle this is.

Old railway bridge.

Sweetie time.

Large swathes of bog cotton.

One way to avoid the barbed wire

and here's another.

Portpatrick wind farm.

Bluebells were still flowering at Dunskey Gardens.

Today's group

Leader and assistant.
Yesterday Saturday June 8th I went by bus to Stranraer to meet my mother group who were doing an 8 mile walk from the Lochans to Portpatrick on a new route worked out by our leader.21 of us met in the school car park on a lovely warm sunny morning and after a quick briefing of the walk we were soon on our way through the village to Duchra farm to pick up an old track up to the communication mast which  stands on top of Cairn Pat (182M),  was also the site of an old fort.From here it was across rugged country with lots of fences to be negotiated,some went over ,some went through and some went under the many obstacles much to the amusement of  the walkers.Lunch was taken in the shadow of Portpatrick wind farm which was not working today as there was no wind to drive the turbines. The next part of the walk was on rough track until we reached the road that took us to Dunskey Gardens where the leader had organised coffee and scones in the tearoom. I thanked our leader for such an interesting walk and how much work she had put into reccing it 4 times to try and avoid cattle with their calves,before setting off for Portpatrick and the bus back to Ayr.
A fuller more comprehensive blog will appear on "The Newton Stewart" bloggers page later today.

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