Looking down on Ayr |
Yesterday Sunday February1st 22 Kilmarnock and Loudoun ramblers met at a lay by just passed the Craig Tara holiday park to do an 8 mile circular walk over Brown Carrick hill to Fisherton to return via the shore. 22 of us set off on the most glorious sunny cold morning with all our winter jackets on to keep out the chilly wind.As this is the first of possibly 4 walks involving this hill that I may be involved in over the next 10 days I will leave the photos and further details to the Dukes U Tube video which I will post a link to once it has been published.Thanks to all who went out yesterday it was nice to catch up with some well kent faces.
Link to the Duke's excellent compilation:
Kilmarnock Ramblers Carrick Hills Dunure Feb 1st 2015
A cracking view Gordon. Good day to you sir.